Behind the scenes at our AW23 shoot
03 Feb, 2023

Left to right: Katy Hackney, Daniel Adhami, Shinobue Abe, Janey McChesney, Alberto Hernandez, Jo Gordon, on the floor Huw Morgan
There is nothing more fun than working with a brilliant team. Here we are over 4 days shooting our AW23 collection in a studio in South London.
The art direction, design and photography are by Huw Morgan from Graphic Thought Facility, assisted by Alberto Hernandez, and photographic assistant Daniel Adhami. Huw has created all our graphics since the start of Jo Gordon 27 years ago! We studied at the Royal College of Art together and I love working with him and what he creates. (He is also an incredible cook).
The collection was designed by myself and assistant designer Katy Hackney, we also styled the clothing on the shoot, kindly lent by our friends in Belgium, The hair and makeup was by the fantastic Shinobue Abe, (who also gave us endless skin and hair advice all day). The model was my youngest daughter Janey who does lots of ballet and loves to prance around and didn’t mind being blown away by the leaf blower. She also loves to knit (and is a much better knitter than me!!)
Hope you enjoy the photos! The new collection will launch in June 2023.
Best wishes
Jo x