Are you at the right place ?

Are you at the right place ?

15 Nov, 2019

One aspect of our business that we love are the friendships we have built up over the years with the shop buyers who stock our collection worldwide. Jo Gordon Knitwear has been running for 23 years now and we have some buyers who have stocked us every one of these years.

Each year we do two trade shows in Paris and one in New York. Our buyers travel from all over the world to these shows, from South Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel and all over Europe. 

We always look forward to catching up with them, hearing how their year has been, what has been happening in their lives, how our collection has sold and getting feedback on our designs. 

It always feels enriching meeting these people from all over the world, seeing old friends and meeting new friends. 

Photos from our stockists

Shop Collections